Our Services


MBX has produced games on all major platforms including iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, web and facebook.

We come from a background of both games development marketing so know the right approaches to take in terms of getting your game developed on budget and making it fun so users will actually enjoy and share your message.

Additionally we have been working with some corporate clients to use games in an educational role for teaching staff about things such as cyber security and other internal best practices. This is a pretty niché area and something we'd love to talk about.


Consumer and business Apps are like games. Only easier.

Yes you might get some people telling you all Apps are big projects, but having delivered Apps for the likes of Thomson, Starbucks and Novartis we know they can be made well and at an affordable price. Technically most App development is much simpler to get right than a game due to more forgiving constraints and usually lower memory usage. Although user experience still needs to be keenly thought about when developing Apps, right from the starting phases.

With several dozen apps developed across iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows mobile and Blackberry we're confident in our ability to build your App and are sure you'll be pleased with the results.

Web development

With over 18 years of websites development experience we've seen all the fads come and go and know the core reliable methods for picking the right technology, design and search engine stratagy for you.

Whether you are looking for a campaign specific microsite with responsive design, an eCommerce store, or a set of templates for integrating with your Intranet engine, we've probably built something similar before and will be happy to talk you through the best approach.

The technology

We're not tied to any specific technology or language and regularly asses new and established solutions. By picking the right tool for the job we can deliver your project in an efficient way to whatever target you or your client wants.

  • 3D game on iPhone and Android? No problem
  • Data capturing App on Facebook? No problem
  • Web game for your own website? No problem
  • Responsive email templates for an on going campaign? No problem
  • eCommerce optimised for mobile browsing? Yes, you've guessed it - No problem
Whatever your need, give us a shout - if we can't help we almost certainly know an expert who can...

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